FeedbackFruits: Collaboration Options

When developing interactive activities like Peer Review and Group Member Evaluation, you will encounter various collaboration options.


FeedbackFruits provides diagrams to help visualize and understand the available options.

  • Students are evaluated (hand in): Individually; Students evaluate (review): Individually
  • Students are evaluated (hand in): Individually; Students evaluate (review): Within groups
  • Students are evaluated (hand in): Individually; Students evaluate (review): Outside of their group
  • Students are evaluated (hand in): As a group; Students evaluate (review): Individually
  • Students are evaluated (hand in): As a group; Students evaluate (review): As a group
  • Students are evaluated (hand in): As a group; Students evaluate (review): Individually, same work per group member


Detailed explanations and examples of these options can be found on FeedbackFruits Help:


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