Panopto Instructor Guide


  • Panopto is a service which you can use to share video files to your students for teaching and learning purposes.
  • You can use the Panopto recorder in classrooms and LTs for lecture recording.
  • You can also use Panopto to collect video assignment from students

Panopto Online Training

Feature Highlights (2021/22)

Feature Highlights (2020/21)

Quickstart on using Panopto with your Blackboard course

  1. Enabling Panopto in your Blackboard Course
    • If you don’t see the link “Panopto Video” in your Blackboard course.  Contact the support team by email at
  2. Upload existing videos and sharing them with students using Panopto service
    • If you have existing videos, you may upload them to Panopto and share them with your class through Blackboard. 
      1. Access Panopto via your Blackboard Course. 
      2. Upload existing content to Panopto (Documentation | Videos)
  3. Record your session using Panopto recorder software on your own computers
    • You may also install Panopto recorder software on your own computers and record your video anytime anywhere.  After recording, you can upload the video directly to a specific Panopto folder and the respective Blackboard course users can view the video right away. 
      1. Access Panopto via your Blackboard Course.  This is necessary for you to get the “Creator Access” of the video folder (before you can use the recorder software).
      2. Click “Open in Panopto ”. 
      3. On the new window, download Panopto recorder software Installer (Windows | Mac)
      4. Record session (Documentation | Videos)
  4. Notes: 
    1. Please make sure Audio Stream is selected. Recording without audio will not be usable.
    2. Remember to connect the computer to the Internet before starting the recording. The video will be uploaded while you talk.

Notes on  Panopto User Role Definitions

  • Creator
    • Users with Creator role in a video folder on Panopto can upload videos and create videos into the video folder for sharing with other users.
    • Instructors and TA/Support Staff in a Blackboard course (with Panopto enabled) have been assigned Creator role by default to manage the corresponding video folder on Panopto.
  • Viewer
    • Users who can only view videos in a video folder on Panopto.
    • Students in a Blackboard course have been assigned Viewer role by default to allow them to view videos in the corresponding video folder on Panopto. 

To learn more, please see User Permission (6. User Type Breakdown).

Additional Notes

1.     Time is needed to process the files after video upload.  You can wait for the email notification from the system.

  1. Setting a Blackboard Courses “unavailable to students” has no effect on the accessibility of the videos shared in the corresponding video folders on Panopto.  Remember to update the “Availability” or “Who has access:” settings of the corresponding video folders on Panopto as well. 
  2. Special notes on re-using your Blackboard course and shared videos on Panopto.  Details: Batch Copy and Move.

Additional Resources

  1. Panopto Support Website - best place to search for specific functions
  2. Panopto Support Page (by ITSC EdTech)
  3. Creator Training PPT
  4. ITSC Online Service Desk
  5. Related resources on eLearning@CUHK:

Further Questions?