FeedbackFruits Online Sessions (Aug 2024)

(Please scroll down for the Chinese version.)

FeedbackFruits online session (English)


This training is an introduction to the FeedbackFruits tool suite. The tools are fully integrated, making it easy to create unique learning activities.

The session is an opportunity for you to see the tools, learn from use cases of other institutions using FeedbackFruits, understand which tool will fit the various use case better and ask questions. The session will cover an overview of tool features with specific focus on the tools Peer Review and  Group Member Evaluation, covering the main differences as well as specific features such as templates and Automated Feedback Coach and workarounds for specific needs.

  • Peer Review: Streamlines the entire peer assessment process by enabling students to give feedback on peers' work based on instructors’ predefined criteria within Blackboard
  1. Supports lecturers to save time setting up and facilitate feedback activities 
  2. Stimulates lifelong skills in critical thinking while increasing student engagement and retention   
  • Group Member Evaluation: Get insight into the group dynamics and improve teamwork by letting students evaluate their team members’ collaboration skills
  1. Identifies and eliminates free-riding behavior with transparent insights into the collaborative process
  2. Supports and encourages critical thinking among students self and peer contributions

Directly in the tool, we have a 24/5 support system that is available to both lecturers and students. If any questions are experienced, lecturers and students can reach out to our support team that is available and online all day Monday through Friday. 

If you have specific questions or use cases, please feel free to bring it up for discussion!


FeedbackFruits教學 (普通話)




本次教學將包括各項產品的功能簡介,並著重介紹Peer ReviewGroup Member Evaluation 兩項產品。包括主要的區別以及特定功能,如範本、AI助手和滿足特定需求的解決方案。

  1. 學生可以根據導師設置的標準為其他同學的作業提供反饋
  2. 為導師節省設置時間,並促進學生的反饋活動
  3. 提高學生參與感並激發批判性思維的終身技能
  1. 通過讓學生評估團隊成員的協作技能,了解團隊合作並提升學生的團隊合作能力
  2. 透過產品內的數據,辨識並消除團隊中可能存在的懈怠行為
  3. 鼓勵學生在合作中對自我和同儕貢獻進行批判性思考



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