Panopto Archived Videos


To reduce Stored Hours in CUHK’s Panopto Library, videos that are not viewed in 24 months will be archived.

Archived videos can be restored then be viewed. The restoration would take no more than 48 hours.

Annual archive (2025):

29 Jan 2025

Users affected

  • Creators who have uploaded and/or created Panopto videos
  • Viewers of Panopto videos

Detailed arrangement

  1. When a creator or viewer access a Panopto video that has not been viewed in 24 months, s/he will see the following message: “This video is archived and must be restored from the archive before it can be viewed. Restoration may take up to 48 hours.” Select the ‘Restore from Archive’ linked text to restore the video.
  2. By default, archived videos are not included in search results on CUHK Panopto site ( To include archived videos in your search, select the checkbox to the left of 'Show archived videos' in the search filters.
  3. By default, when an archived video is restored, its Creator will receive an email notification. The email will include a link to the restored video and information on who restored the video.
