

Panopto Instructor Guide
Overview Panopto is a service which you can use to share video files to your students for teaching and learning purposes. You can use the Panopto recorder in classrooms and LTs for lecture recording. You can also use Panopto to collect video a...
Create Video Assignment Folder on Panopto
Overview Panopto has been migrated to AWS Singapore region. The Cloud AWS system offers better performance and higher availability. This article shows the steps to create a video assignment folder on Panopto.  Please also go through the remarks ...
Migration to Panopto Cloud on AWS ( (completed) *** Service will be suspended at 4-7am on Jun 26 (Sat) for system upgrade ***
Latest updates (as of Jun 17, 2021) The migration has been completed on Jun 14, 2021.  The base URL of the system is now .  All previously created Panopto recording links still work after the migration (e.g. ht...
Special Reminder: How to use Panopto recorder in classrooms and LTs or at home after the migration to Panopto cloud
Overview After the completion of the migration to Panopto Cloud on AWS ( has been completed, users using the Panopto recorders need to update the Panopto recorder before they can use the Panopto recorder to record and upload ne...
How to control the availability of videos on Panopto Cloud?
Overview By default, videos uploaded to Panopto course folders are restrictively available   to the respective class lists. With the Blackboard's ZOOM Panopto Cloud Integration , and the completion of the migration to the Panopto Cloud system ...
Share a Panopto folder with specific students in class
By default, videos uploaded to a Panopto folder are available to all students of its Blackboard Course.  If you would like to release your videos to specific students, you need to create a sub-folder, change its users and permissions as follows, an...
Panopto Scheduled Recording (in Selected Lecture Theatres)
Panopto Service Overview Teaching and Learning Video Service @CUHK (currently implemented using Panopto) is a service jointly provided by CLEAR and ITSC. Teachers can record, upload and share videos to students. The access control of those record...
Panopto Recorder shows "Failed to Start Devices"
Please check the computer and see if the recorder software is blocked (e.g. by anti-virus program) and try again. For Windows 10 users, please also check to allow apps to access your microphone and camera (details can be found here ). If you are u...
How to Copy or Move Panopto Videos
To reuse Panopto videos, teachers could consider copying or moving them from a folder to another.  Access Blackboard Course (source course) > Panopto. Then follow the steps below to copy or move the videos: Panopto Support: How to Batch Cop...
Panopto: Classroom Recording
I. Get ready the classroom/LT AV Equipment Make sure you have the password to access AV equipment cabinet in the classroom / lecture theatre (LT).  Access to AV Equipment Cabinet: If there is no le...
Panopto: Make sure upload is completed
After you have stopped the recording, it requires some time to upload the recording to the Panopto servers for further processing. If you close the Panopto Recorder before it completes the upload, you will see that the recording keeps 'uploading'. ...
Panopto’s Blackboard Integration Upgrade – from B2 to LTI 1.3
Background Blackboard announced that it would no longer support Building Block (B2) based integrations starting in June 2024. Instead, they would transition to a modern, technical framework based on LTI and REST APIs. For more information, please v...